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GC2R3F6 Niva Jihlavy II. - Viadukt (Jihlava Floodplain II. - Viaduct)
Flat valley floor that is regularly flooded or it at least once used to be ( now with modifications to rivers may not be flooded ). However the bottom of the valley was shaped by the floods. River is that most zigzag in various meanders and blind stream branches and a man just because of flooding and change the trough. From the geomorphological point of view it is a flat river bottom consisting primarily of river sediments. Floodplain functions are very interesting: - floodplains are a reservoir of water and on behalf of droughts supply water to the rivers… - Here Located the best soil - are usually valuable biotope - floodplain forests, meadows, wetlands… Endangering and consequences floodplains mainly threatens the reckless development, improvement and strengthening river's trough, the conversion of land into arable land and construction of dams. In connection with these adjustments, then increasing the flood damage caused by water flows. Regulace of channels accelerates the flow of the river and thus increases the likelihood of devastating floods.
The cache isn't exactly simple. In any case, the cache is nowhere on or near the tracks, and it is not necessary to enter the bridge (now that the upgrade from ČD is complete) !!! It all takes place underneath the bridge or on the side of it…