
Traditional GC2R3AK Niva Jihlavy I. - Spraše a Mamuti (Jihlava Floodplain I. - Loess and Mammoths)

An interesting profile of the loess cover near Trebic. Nearby were found the skeletal remains of a variety of exciting prehistoric animals such as mammoth…

Flat valley floor that is regularly flooded or it at least once used to be ( now with modifications to rivers may not be flooded ). However the bottom of the valley was shaped by the floods. River is that most zigzag in various meanders and blind stream branches and a man just because of flooding and change the trough.
From the geomorphological point of view it is a flat river bottom consisting primarily of river sediments.

Floodplain functions are very interesting

  • floodplains are a reservoir of water and on behalf of droughts supply water to the rivers…
  • Here Located the best soil
  • are usually valuable biotope - floodplain forests, meadows, wetlands…

Endangering and consequences
floodplains mainly threatens the reckless development, improvement and strengthening river's trough, the conversion of land into arable land and construction of dams. In connection with these adjustments, then increasing the flood damage caused by water flows. Regulace of channels accelerates the flow of the river and thus increases the likelihood of devastating floods.

It is sedimentary clastic rock blown mostly by wind. The main component is a fine quartz dust with components calcium and clays with form lumps so-called „cicváry“. Typical colors are implicated in the iron oxides. Windblown loess does not show the blown layer (which appears only when the water attack ). Loess is very soft it can easily break up but still is a very cohesive and don't collapsible… Therefore, loess exposures to don't warp but remain steep…
Loess is highly permeable to water but also due to capillary water and water can go back and nourish the plants on the surface. The gradual leaching of calcium carbonate arises from loess loess soil which is very fertile farmland. Loess terrains are very susceptible to erosion and easily formed in these deep ravines and steep, and they also pseudokarst phenomena.
Loess formed in older Quaternary ( Pleistocene ) when the glaciers retreat of the glacier wind spread the crushed rock and they were deposited on the leeward side of the valley and mountains. The greatest thickness of loess in China, reaching up to 400m in the Czech is far less up to 30 meters, usually around 10 - 15m.
What Mammoths? In 2008 the nearby loess found uncovering bones, many wild horses, reindeer and mammoth bone fragments. It has been supposed that mammoths in this altitude was not present and therefore it is the finding is a more valuable. Dating of the bones showed that the period from 30 to 17 thousand years BC…

From the cache is a beautiful view of the almost unbroken part of the river Jihlava. The box is simple and can be easy for it to park.

  • geo/mylistings/spras.txt
  • Poslední úprava: 2016/11/18 21:48
  • autor: