
Slavice - Calvary

Cache is situated near the village Slavice. Don’t search it at the coordinates at the top.

a small village near Trebic with about 250 residents. Now is a part of town Trebic. Inside are only church, one shop and bus station. Only one interesting native come here: RNDr. Vladimir Joseph Krajina - the holder of the Order of the White Lion Class I. Popular bicycle way passes through a village and there's delightful pub where you can freshen up in cycling trip

… Well, something about the cache… The village is an interesting that on the three sides of it stand three nice Calvary (furthermore, only BM - from czech „Boží Muka“) essentially each one standing near the road. Oh, and these three Calvary here have allowed to prepare a little mysterku which one leads to an interesting place in the neighborhood.

localize all three BM by GPS and take coordinates down. From this coordinates you are interested first number after decimal point (in a minute) in both coordinates. Sum this numbers and carry out digit sum so that you get one number for each BM (Xn).
e.g.: 49° 10.635 N, 015° 52.811 E
the resulting number for the (BM1) would be: 6 + 8 = 14 ⇒ digit sum ⇒ 1 + 4 = 5
Locate carefully on the northern (BM1) is quite accurate, prefer taking two or three measurements and the average of them…
is an ideal localize behind BM1 direction to the east it is with greater certainty. BM1 is close to the boundary when it changes the first number after the decimal point…

so… because first tak is easy and it is possible read coordinates from map so second task will force you to look at the BM's. Each BM (see at picture) is four-sided structure. On each of four side are two panels with dots (scratch in the mortar) so and you interest how many points are on the side adjacent to the roud. On two BM are two panels adjacent to the road, on one BM are four panels because BM standing on crossroads. (See hint picture)
Sum counted points and after digit sum. See example above… (Yn)

Assignment letters for the final calculation
BM1 position roughly north of the village - X1, Y1 (two panels)
BM2 position roughly south inside the village - X2, Y2 visible from village green (four panels)
BM3 position roughly east of the village - X3, Y3 (two panels)
Note: Xn - result of task 1, Yn - result of task 2 for each BMn

N 49° 10.X1*X3*X1 - X1*X3 + X1 + X3 - X2
E 15° 52.Y3*Y3*Y3*Y1*Y2 + Y3 + Y3 +Y1 + Y2 + Y2/2

N 49° 10.X1*X3*X1*(X2+X2) + X1*X3 - X3 - X2 - X2
E 15° 52.Y3*Y3*Y3*Y1*Y2

N 49° 09.X1*X3*X1*(X2+X2)*(X2+X2)
E 15° 51.Y3*Y3*Y3*Y1 + Y3*Y3*Y2 + Y3*Y3*Y1 + Y2 + Y1

verification: X1 * X2 * X3 * Y1 * Y2 * Y3 ⇒ digit sum ⇒ 9

Final place is less accessible. Attention ways with leading to final place are in GPS and in maps but realy dont exist or overgrown. There are two access roads shorter one depends on the season and what is in the fields (please don't destroy the fields!). And second one long detour through the woods but that's not the easy way too. Therefore, a terrain is 3. I hope you will be rewarded with a very interesting place. For smaller cachers less possible…. After the rain there is nice mud.

  • geo/mylistings/calvary.txt
  • Poslední úprava: 2016/11/18 21:48
  • autor: