Zobrazit stránkuStarší verzeZpětné odkazyNahoru Tato stránka je pouze pro čtení. Můžete si pouze prohlédnout zdrojový kód, ale ne ho měnit. Zeptejte se správce, pokud si myslíte, že něco není v pořádku. ====== Trebic lookout ====== Easy cache, which originate from SPORE cache Brno (GC3018T) Lookout point for the Trebic centre From the cache is a nice view of the whole central part of Trebic. * On the left you can see the hospital, a quarter Jejkov, ice stadium... * In the middle you can see the main post office building, Charles Square, city tower... * To the right you see the historic Jewish Quarter and the castle Of course it is more to see, more than just a my list of beautiful views from this newly renovated prospects on a high rocky promontory above the central Trebic For more information about Trebic [[http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C5%99eb%C3%AD%C4%8D|here]] ====== Cache ====== Cache is larger micro... I hope to see an nice photograph of this place. Please, if you find and you will come back, return it cautiously. Think of others cachers !! geo/mylistings/trlookout.txt Poslední úprava: 2016/11/18 21:48autor: