Zobrazit stránkuStarší verzeZpětné odkazyNahoru Tato stránka je pouze pro čtení. Můžete si pouze prohlédnout zdrojový kód, ale ne ho měnit. Zeptejte se správce, pokud si myslíte, že něco není v pořádku. \\ Easy cache almost a drive-in, for the bike or car with a beautiful view of the Trebic... ===== At the Cross - lookout ===== Interesting place with two large lime trees and the cross. An ideal stop on the bike for snacks so its ideal go there by car. There is a beautiful view of Trebic both and other... ===== Something about cache ===== Cache is very easy on relatively safe place. Attention only to the occasional passing Muggles but the frequency of passage is small.... In the winter issue of catch depends on the amount of snow the should be possible yet. Please hide well!! geo/mylistings/cross_lookout.txt Poslední úprava: 2016/11/18 21:48autor: