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geo:mylistings:vaclavak [2016/11/18 22:13] – [So something about our Wenceslas Square] dmwadmingeo:mylistings:vaclavak [2016/11/18 22:14] (aktuální) – [So something about cache:] dmwadmin
Řádek 15: Řádek 15:
   * If there is no circle then neither the difference is 1 nor one cell the half of the other.   * If there is no circle then neither the difference is 1 nor one cell the half of the other.
 That is all...\\ That is all...\\
-<html><img src="" border=+<html><img src="" border=
 "0" /></html>\\ \\ "0" /></html>\\ \\
 After solve the magic triangle use numbers from the marked fields to resolve the final coordinates. (fields with background) After solve the magic triangle use numbers from the marked fields to resolve the final coordinates. (fields with background)
  • geo/mylistings/vaclavak.1479503611.txt.gz
  • Poslední úprava: 2016/11/18 22:13
  • autor: dmwadmin